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Penulis akan membatasi masalah antara lain : - Aplikasi berbasis client-server yang terjadi antara dua pihak (petugas dan masyarakat)
- Tinjauan Pustaka
- blog.lapor.go.id/images/publikasi/SuciSitoresmi.pdf
- https://www.academia.edu/6194411/MAKALAH_PELAYANAN_PUBLIK
- https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layanan_Aspirasi_dan_Pengaduan_Online_Rakyat
- http://makalahlaporanterbaru1.blogspot.co.id/2014/02/pelayanan-publik-pemerintah-daerah.html
- https://www.lapor.go.id/
- Rancangan Layar
Don't Let Your Brain Idle !
Jangan rendahkan dirimu untuk mendapatkan sesuatu, tapi rendahkan hatimu untuk berikan sesuatu !
Rancangan Aplikasi Pengaduan Pelayanan Publik
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Contoh Forward Action pada Java Web
Friday, 1 April 2016
Kali ini saya akan menggabungkan tugas pada minggu sebelumnya (tentang perhitungan bilangan prima dan fibonacci) dengan Forward action dengan menggunakan Netbeans IDE 8.0 , namun sebelumnya apa itu Forward Action pada java web? forward action digunakan untuk mentransfer kontrol pada sebuah halaman jsp ke halaman lain pada server lokal, jadi intinya kita akan memindahkan halaman yang kita tuju ke halaman awal, cara penulisannya menggunakan tag :
<jsp:forward="localurl" />
oke langsung saja perhatikan contoh berikut :
- Buat 3 file jsp dengan nama input.jsp, proses.jsp, prima.jsp.
Perhatikan lingkaran merah, itu adalah id yang akan kita panggil untuk di forward ke halaman prima.jsp
Untuk source code bilangan prima dan fibonacci sengaja saya cut karna kayanya fibonacci-nya masih salah :D yang akan saya tekankan hanya pada action forward saja, tapi dilain kesempatan saya akan coba untuk posting source code bilangan prima dan fibonacci kalo udah bener semuanya. :)
Oke mungkin dari penjelasan di atas kita sudah mendapatkan gambaran bagaimana hasil dari action forward. Selanjutnya Run File pada input.jsp
Kurang lebih seperti inilah hasilnya setelah program dijalankan :
Perhatikan pada address bar, jadi intinya kita mentransfer halaman prima.jsp ke proses.jsp.
Sekian semoga bermanfaat,
Saya masih belajar java web jadi kalo banyak salah jangan dibully ya :D lebih baik kita diskusikan di kolom komentar. :)
Cara Sederhana Mengaktifkan Kartu/Sim Card Bolt 4G di hp Lenovo A-7000
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Halo guys, kali ini saya akan berbagi trik cara mengaktifkan kartu bolt 4G di hp android lenovo A7000-a yang mana bolt ini sudah memakai jaringan 4G dan tentunya kecepatan internet yang didapatkan katanya 10 kali lebih cepat dibandingakan 3G/HSPA.
perlu kalian ketahui untuk saat ini tidak semua daerah mendapatkan signal 4G bolt ini, hanya kota besar di Indonesia yang ter-cover yaitu jabodetabek dan medan untuk lengkapnya kalian bisa lihat coverage signal bolt 4G di website resmi bolt. Oiya guys satu lagi yang perlu kalian tau kartu bolt ini tidak bisa dipakai untuk sms dan menelepon hanya bisa dipakai untuk internetan saja tapi ga usah khawatir karna perangakat Lenovo A7000 sendiri sudah support dual sim jadi kalian tinggal pake kartu GSM biasa di slot sim card 2.
Oke langsung saja sediakan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan :
1. Lenovo A-7000 tentunya bisa kalian dapatkan di konter-konter hp terdekat :D
2. Kartu bolt 4G, nah yang satu ini kalian tidak perlu membeli di outlet khusus bolt soalnya di konter hp biasa juga udah tersedia, harganya waktu terakhir saya beli cuma Rp. 30000 dan itu sudah termasuk kuota 2 GB
3. MTK Engineering Mode, install dari playstore kalian aja ya guys gratis kok.
4. My Bolt, untuk pengguna bolt 4G android aplikasi ini sangat penting, selain untuk cek sisa kuota bolt disana juga ada cara-cara aktivasi kartu, cara isi ulang saldo, beli kuota dll. jadi saya sarankan install aplikasi ini di playstore
Kalo bahan-bahannya udah siap, berikut langkah-langkahnya :
1. Pasang kartu bolt di slot sim card 1 pada hp lenovo A7000, soalnya slot sim card 2 hanya mendukung jaringan 2G saja
2. nyalakan hp kalian, disini kalian jangan panik liat sinyal sim 1 kok bisa ilang tentunya kita harus mengkonfigurasi dulu settinganya
3. Buatlah akses point untuk sim 1
Setting -> Mobile Networks -> Access Point Names -> SUB 01
klik tanda + (Plus) di pojok atas kanan hp kalian kemudian buatlah apn
Name : Bolt
APN : internet
untuk sisa nya kosongkan saja, kalo udah klik menu pojok kanan atas yang ada titik 3, lalu save
4. disini kalian belum bisa liat signal sim 1, dan untuk memunculkan signalnya silahkan buka aplikasi MTK Engineering Mode lalu ikuti langkah berikut :
Pilih MTK Setting -> Network Selecting -> pilih type LTE only, kalo sudah kembali ke menu awal
pilih Band Mode -> SIM 1 -> ceklist Band 40 (ada di paling bawah) -> SET
5. Done, kalian sekarang sudah bisa liat signal 4G dan selamat menikmati internetan kenceng tanpa loading
-Settingan ini akan kembali normal ketika hp kalian mati/nge-restart, solusinya tinggal masuk ke aplikasi MTK Engineering Mode lagi lalu ulangi langkah no. 4
-jika masih belum lihat signal cek lagi apakah ada step yg terlewat/salah, dan kalo masih ga ada juga cek apakah daerah kalian sudah ter-cover signal 4G bolt di website resmi bolt, untuk cek coverage bolt kalian bisa klik disini !
- untuk pembelian paket selanjutnya hindari kuota 0 KB soalnya akan terpotong saldo pulsa jika kalian membeli paket lewat aplikasi bolt dengan kouta 0 KB
Sekian trik cara mengaktifkan kartu bolt 4G di hp lenovo A7000, gunakan internet dengan bijak :)
How to pair usb joystick PC to your android games using wifi
Monday, 3 August 2015
for you who love to play games on the Android platform, but want to be bothered with a touch screen controller, you can use a USB joystick that you have at home and certainly benefit from this tutorial you do not need to buy a special joystick for android devices which are more expensive.
Okay, the first thing you do is download all the apps below
- wifi keyboard -> get it free in playstore and install on your android device
- JoyToKey -> this is a portable app so you didn't need to install it
if all the applications you have installed, the following steps to connect usb joystick:
1. turn on portable hotspot on your android device and then connect it to your PC
settings -> more -> portable hotspot -> turn on WLAN Hotspot
make sure your PC connected to your hotspot portable
2. make wifi-keyboard as the default keyboard on your Android device
settings -> Language & input -> default keyboard -> wifi keyboard
3. will appear notification an IP address from wifi-keyboard app, type IP address in the address bar in your PC browser
4. connect usb joystick with your PC, then open the application JoyToKey.exe there you will configure the joystick controller
5. change joystick button by double clicking on the button, then input what you want to change in the input text yellow and click OK/enter
LEFT change to the left arrow on your PC keyboard
RIGHT change to the arrow right on your PC keyboard
do so for button UP and DOWN
you need to know that the button 1, 2, 3. , , is:
button 1 for the triangle button
button 2 for the circle button
button 3 for the cross button
button 4 for rectangular button
button 5 for the L1 button
button 6 for the R1 button
button 7 for L2 button
button 8 for the R2 button
but not all the android games for unused keys because the controller was not much like other PC games, here we only use two buttons excluding arrow keys, change the two keys
button 1 change to '' Alt '
button 2 change to '' insert '
it means here you'll just using triangle button and circle button on the usb joystick
6. after configuring the joystick let the JoyToKey app runing in background than beck to wifi keyboard on your PC browser, just click on the text input
7. Open your game on your android device.
done, now you can use usb joystick on Andoroid games
*tested on Lenovo A7000-a with game zombie warfare VR
have a nice play :)
BBM (Blackberry Messenger) will not be installed on Samsung Android platform
Saturday, 8 June 2013
The news about the presence of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) to Android and iOS based devices certainly be a joyous thing. However, it appears that the fuel will not be present for the device from Samsung.
BlackBerry Live during the 2013, the BlackBerry explain that would open the door for other platforms that want to use one of their security features. In other words, Android and iOS as the platform selected, will be able to use the features of this multi-chat directly. Which is obviously going to hold fuel in iOS is Apple, but for Android-based devices, the BlackBerry has not given the official explanation. However, the newspaper quoted a little uncomfortable on the Android OS (06/06), Samsung reportedly will not let fuel in and be one of the features in their devices. This is because in almost all existing Samsung devices similar feature called ChatOn. It is feared that, with the advent of fuel at Samsung's device, then ChatOn will be eliminated by itself, due to the popularity of fuel higher than ChatOn. Although BlackBerry has not announced any vendor that can be integrated with BBM, but a Canadian company that has released a notice that all Android or iOS device users can download it directly feature in Google Play or also in the iTunes App Store. Reportedly, the fuel began to attend to the two platforms officially by the 27th of June.
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BlackBerry Live during the 2013, the BlackBerry explain that would open the door for other platforms that want to use one of their security features. In other words, Android and iOS as the platform selected, will be able to use the features of this multi-chat directly. Which is obviously going to hold fuel in iOS is Apple, but for Android-based devices, the BlackBerry has not given the official explanation. However, the newspaper quoted a little uncomfortable on the Android OS (06/06), Samsung reportedly will not let fuel in and be one of the features in their devices. This is because in almost all existing Samsung devices similar feature called ChatOn. It is feared that, with the advent of fuel at Samsung's device, then ChatOn will be eliminated by itself, due to the popularity of fuel higher than ChatOn. Although BlackBerry has not announced any vendor that can be integrated with BBM, but a Canadian company that has released a notice that all Android or iOS device users can download it directly feature in Google Play or also in the iTunes App Store. Reportedly, the fuel began to attend to the two platforms officially by the 27th of June.
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